Tell us what you are trying to do?
I would like to create a complex listing e-commerce website. Here a the key features
- Montlly subscription with 3 packagages
- Subcribers are companies that what to sell their services online
- Eatch subcription allows a specific limit of services to be features
- Subcribers would be allowed to select a service in a strict list of services (the same for all subscribers), and for each service, add their own description / notes / conditions and price
- Also they would be able to add different availabilities for each services.
- Website customer would then use a main search filter (date, hour, service) to access a list of eligible businesses, and pay online. They, the would only have to show up at the business's location at the prescribed time to receive their service.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I've seed that Toolset is not made compatible with WooCommerce Bookings (, and I don't know how the proposed solution would show up for the subscribers... would they have to "attach" the hour / day / month custum field themselved each time they want to add an availability to their product? Also, the tread is 2 years old, so maybe things have changed since then?
Is there a way I could create the listing with Toolset, but using WooCommerce plugins? (Membership, Subscriptions, Bookings)
Or is there a way I can all make it through Toolset itself?
I use Toolset User fields to create the registration form and the business "identity".
Then, the user (the business) has to subscribe to a package (allowing them to showcase say 3, 5 or all available products). Could I use a regular subscription plugin for that part?
Each user (business) access their profile page, where they can "activate" some products, with a conditionnal rule to fix the maximum number of services based on the chosen subscription (but they can change the product chosen whenever they want).
Once done, the profil page show their active products
- When cliking on the product, they reach another page where they can set the product custom info, price and notes
- They also can add availabilities, through taxonomies (year, month, day (1 to 31), week day and time).
- Would it be possible to create a sort of calendar view to make the availability set-up easier instead of having to select all fields each time?
- I create a search filter using city / date / service and the results are the eligibible users / businesses
- Clicking on the "business" of their choice, they see custom pictures, description and price, and they can buy the product online.
Can Toolset send custom price / product & seller descritpion to WooCommerce for the plugin to create the cart & payment pages?
Once done, the profil page show their active products
- When cliking on the product, they reach another page where they can set the product custom info, price and notes
- They also can add availabilities, through taxonomies (year, month, day (1 to 31), week day and time).
You can setup the product from backend or you can have product add/edit form using Toolset form:
- Would it be possible to create a sort of calendar view to make the availability set-up easier instead of having to select all fields each time?
No - there is no such feature available.
- I create a search filter using city / date / service and the results are the eligibible users / businesses
- Clicking on the "business" of their choice, they see custom pictures, description and price, and they can buy the product online.
You can guild custom search using Toolset:
I suggest you should go through all above information I shared and check whats possible with Toolset and what you need to do in order to find workaround/plugin for the feature such as calendar view.