could you please help me if is possible to create this with TS Access / Forms?
Lets say i have 4 lawyers. Everyone will have an account and access to add new Products via Cred form. Products will be document(s) (for example: Contract in docx) and it must be available only for specific user (users will have an access through woocommerce account).
What i need to do:
Assign new product In cred form to specific user via dropdown button.
Create Product via cred form with attached document and input ID of specific user. Then separately create View where will be condition that only this user (by ID) have an access to this Product.
Thank you in advance. To be honest I will be surprised if there will be solution for this make it in Toolset Forms.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Assuming that you will allow users to create the product only after loggedin.
I think I've a better approach, what if, user will create the product using Toolset form and we should make sure that the author of the product is set as current loggedin user.
thank you for message and information. Ok - sounds good but i´m still wondering how to setup this process.
How can I setup/select in cred form for new product author of the product for different user? I wonder that cred form will be available under login of lawyer (access by role: lawyer) and for user will be different role and account where i will setup View for products.
I can setup View and other things but what i don´t understand in your scenario is how to select author of post from Cred form on front-end.
How can I setup/select in cred form for new product author of the product for different user?
Do you really need that? as user will be loggedin and we can setup the author of the product as loggedin user. Do you still want to assign different user to product?