Tell us what you are trying to do?
For the woocommerce section, I want to create a taxonomy based click thru to specific products
The user would land on the Parent Taxonomy, Choose a category like women than they will see the product child taxonomy like; T-Shirts, Dresses, etc, Click on Dresses and results would be all the dresses, Then click to Product Detail.
hidden link
Hi, are you asking about creating this just as a menu interface, or are you asking about setting up a taxonomy archive that allows Users to drill down through the hierarchy of terms page by page, finally ending up at a page with only products in that term?
So users can drill down through the hierarchy of terms page by page Each page showing the category thumbnails, finally ending up at a page with only products in that term?
Hi, it's a bit complex but the general idea here is you use a combination of WordPress Archives and Views. I helped another User implement something similar a while back, can you take a look at the following ticket?
It seems to be quite similar to me. How does this compare to what you want to achieve?
Finally getting back to this project. One thing is puzzling me in this paragraph:
Create a View of Product Category Taxonomy Terms, filtered by term parent, where the term parent is set by the current archive.
In the Loop Output section of this View, insert a link to the term archive page.
Then insert this View in the WordPress Archive you just created, somewhere outside the wpv-loop tags.
How do I insert a link to the archive page? I tried [wpv-archive-link] and the view does not save, it errors.
You can use the wpv-taxonomy-link shortcode:
Or just use the Fields and Views button, and you'll see "Taxonomy link" as one of the options (screenshot attached). The system will generate the proper syntax for you.
So I'm pretty close but I have 2 issues. It seems like the utility function to get the hierarchical level of some hierarchical taxonomy term is also effecting the portfolio section — CPT using categories to display the art — and the other issue is that paging is not working. I made a video of the issues.
hidden link
The automatic pagination provided by WooCommerce isn't going to be accurate in any term archive that also has child terms, since you're looping over taxonomy terms and not products. My suggestion is to hide that automatic pagination with CSS on any archive that loops over terms instead of Products. Then if you want to paginate the list of terms, you could add pagination to the View of terms - though I do not think it is necessary for a catalog of this size.
I'm checking out the filter issue now, stand by.
Okay I think I see the issue with the archive template filter. This part:
if( !$current_taxonomy || $current_taxonomy != 'product_cat' )
Should be replaced with:
if( !$current_taxonomy || $current_taxonomy != 'product_cat' )
return $wpa_to_apply;
Please try that modification and let me know if the results are not more like you'd expect.