i tried using the view loop wizard with "table-base grid" and "Bootstrap grid" but i'm missing somthing to make this table responsive and the rows aligned.
responsive table means that when i view the table on small screen the table does not brake and the page resize user experience (UX) is not to scroll all the page to the right or left, rather the table have horizontal scroll bar to view the items n the table.
an example of bootstrap responsive table can be found here hidden link
the thing that i don't understand well is how the view loop render the products in columns for comparison. and how that can be inserted into a template of a boot responsive table.
The second thing I did was to enable the bootstrap loading by going to Toolset->Settings->Bootstrap Loading.
I checked and its because of how the table is built and might be a limitation of the table when it comes to the comparison because of how its currently built.
Ideally each section i.e image, taxonomy and price should all be in a different row but they are currently in the same row. I dont suspected that there is anything that we can do about this.