When a content template is assigned to a custom post type, when using Types, Elementor and Astra, the page comes up blank and displays no content. When the content template is created, but not assigned to the post, it comes up find and uses the content template.
The only way to get it to work properly is to create a custom template for a post type, but to not assign it, either in types or in the editor screen.
However, when the plugins are updated, one of the plugins auto-assigns all of the post types to their respective templates. This happens automatically and without approval. The content is created and intentionally the template within the page editor is set to none for the template, but during the update it auto-assigns it to the content template, leaving all posts blank, and with no easy way to auto-unassign them.
Hey, thanks for coming back, sorry I thought I had given an example hidden link
You need to be logged in but basically all the assignments and some of the other CPTs, when we apply the content temp nothing shows, if we make the template 'none' it shows but then on update the content Templates are 're bind' to the content.
Limited as it is almost 10pm here, and I am on iPad.
The post type 'Assignments' have been set to not use the content template cos it does not work, so previously we have had to set to 'none' in order for it to show on the page. No clue why. So we had to manually go through and set all Views using a content template to 'none' as a workaround, but the latest update has reverted this and reassigned the content templates and now all the content is once again not showing unless we reset to 'none'. Obviously we would prefer that the content template worked when selected.
The site owner is un-assigning some things manually so they'll display properly.
YOu can see an examples here:
hidden link
hidden link
Basically, if a content template is assigned in the editor window, the page loads up like the above links. If they're assigned to "None", it loads up using the content template.
Normally, without Elementor, you would want the content template assigned in the dropdown (this is done automatically when binding posts to a content template) and it shows in the dropdown the same.
With Elementor and Types on the same site, if the content template is set to anything but none, the page loads up blank, but still (somehow) uses the proper content template.
We've set them manually when creating content to none, but when there's an update for toolset and elementor, it auto-assigns them to the "proper" template which makes all the content blank, and has to be manually unassigned for each individual post.
Hello Shane and Karen,
I'm experiencing much the same issue - we run Elementor, Generate Press and Toolset. we just upgraded Toolset today and all the Toolset content pages are now turning up blank. When the content item's template is set to none, then the content displays as expected. But we have over 300 items that this would need to be individually adjusted for.
Examples page where there should be content, but there is just header and footer: hidden link
Follow up: My issue seems to be that Elementor and Toolset want to control the content template. My solution was to unlink the custom post types to the Toolset content template:
Toolset > Content Templates > Usage for single page. Allows you to disengage connection from the custom posts to the Toolset content template (and let Elementor's assigned templates take over)
Thanks kyleL, yes, we aware of those options but it seems to makes no difference what we select or not. The only way which works and shows the content is to manually go to each entry and change the content template. Doing this every time Toolset updates is not ideal.
kyleL, thanks for your input, I found another place, possibly where you meant in the frst place, where I could clear the links to the content templates. Appreciate the point in the right direction.
We still need help on this, the solution from Kyle helped "fix" the problem on some post types but not other, and in general we need to understand why this is happening.
The issue is, when a content template is selected within the edit screen of a custom post type, as shown in 1.png attached, the page doesnt load, as shown in 2.png attached.
When the content template within the edit page is set to none, the page loads fine, and uses the appropriate content template.
This is an issue from types or elementor, however to get around it, when creating new content on custom posts we make sure to set the content template to none.
However, when updates are run, for elementor and types, it updates the dropdown on all content with the relative content template, thus making everything load blank.
SO there's two issues, one, is some kind of conflict between elementor and content templates, that when the proper content template is selected in both places (both bound to the content template and selected in the edit screen) the page loads blank, AND that when updates are run it updates this option and prevents pages from loading content.