You previously helped me set up some custom code to create text on those Location taxonomy archives - like these:
Here is a screenshot of a Location archive - hidden link
The text is entered in a custom field on each of the Locations
While this does work, I am missing some of the core WordPress functionality because of the workaround. i.e. no access to the new Gutenberg editor, no author attached to the article, no publish date or updated date etc.
I believe this is causing my pages to lag in search results - so I would like to have an individual WordPress page/post for each of these Locations.
Is there a way to alter the shortcodes above so that they could load only the correct profiles onto each of the wordpress pages? So, I would create a page - Colombian Brides - and then alter the shortocde for that page to display only profiles from the taxonomy "Colombia"?
Or would I have to create individual views for each of the pages? If so would that slow my site down, I have around 50 Locations and have have 2 different views (mobile and desktop) so it would be 100 different views.
If you edit your View when you set up the Query Filter and opt for a value passed by shortcode attribute, it will suggest the name for the attribute, but you can change this to something else if you want, you just need to make sure the setting in the Query Filter and what you add to your wpv-view shortcode where you insert the View are the same.
You could save yourself a little typing if you make the titles of your pages match the taxonomy terms exactly, so that the page slug and term slug are the same, in which case you can provide the shortcode attribute value with the page slug (wpv-post-slug shortcode).
Your first screenshot with the View settings shows a Query Filter where the location is provided by a URL parameter wpvlocation.
That's not what you want.
You need to choose that the value is provided by shortcode attribute. If you stick with the default wpvlocation for the attribute name, then when you insert the View you specify the location, like so:
If you are careful to name the pages exactly the same as the location taxonomy terms, instead of having to manually provide the wpvlocation value on each page (e.g. we just provided wpvlocation="benin-brides" on the benin-brides page), you could provide the value using the wpv-post-slug shortcode, e.g.
The very final section, the Output Editor, is not something you normally need to touch, it usually just contains these required shortcodes:
You had deleted these and put the fields you want output there instead. I restored the required shortcodes and moved your fields to the loop content template, and now it works, if you want to check for yourself.