I create Events with the EventOn plugin, and I show them on a toolset map as markers (I'll probably show them later in other views too, but if solved that will be tha same case). I need to show the event date and time in the marker popup below the event title. You can take a look here how it shows now: hidden link
I tried this solution from the forum: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/converting-a-timestamp-to-date-and-time/ - the only modification I took was to convert the value of the timestamp to integer in the php code, because it gave me the error that the date function's second attribute must not be a string. Now it show this date everywhere: January 1, 1970, 12:00 am.
I think this question is better directed to the Plugin that created the Field, or consultants as listed here: https://toolset.com/contractors/
This because the Field you use does not seem to be created with Toolset, as we offer ShortCodes to display the date fields, and you state the Field is from EventOn Plugin.
That plugin must provide some sort of method to display their Date.
However, if that date you receive is a Timestamp, all you need to do in order to convert it to a human readable format is use this PHP function: hidden link
$timestamp = 1299446702:
echo date('m/d/Y', $timestamp);//In a shortcode you return this
. But too many quote characters I guess because it is not working. Can you help me to further change the code your colleague helped me with to show the date in the marker popup?
Unfortunately the problem persists. The output is now: January 1, 1970, 12:00 am“]
I also listed the timestamps under the map tos ee if the output from the db is correct, and it is correct: hidden link
And the shortcode fuction you recommended in you reply to somebody's question also works, so the problem must be somehow in the marker syntax, especially when it outputs “] in the end of the wrong epoch date.
And a child view for the Helyek post type (it means Places in hungarian) which loops the markers data, you have it's code above.
Maybe you could have a look directly on my admin for this....?
Actually this whole nested view with this eid attribute is still a little confusing to me (maybe if you know about a tutorial, other than the help doc about this, that would be really helpful). I'll also will have to set up a filters for this with taxonomy categories, and it would be helpful to understand more.