I am trying to: create a page with filters on left hand side and results on right in a grid layout
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: private
I expected to see: I expected to create the page
Instead, I got: errors
Tried Content layout editor. Hit the plus sign, selected view for posts and for the past few minutes, it is hung on the following screen - hidden link
When I try to create two columns because I want the search on one side, and try to drag search to left column it throws following error
hidden link
Toolset Layouts plugin is in maintenance status, so if you are constructing new website, I suggest you try with Toolset Blocks plugin, The grid block can create responsive Columns and Grids too, see our document:
You can get same UI as Toolset Views plugin by enable this option:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Settings-> General:
in section "Editing experience", enable option: Show both the legacy and Blocks interface and let me choose which to use for each item I build
And you can follow our document to display the search form and search result in different places:
section "Setting up the View search and results side-by-side"
Thanks for sharing the link on side by side layout. We were creating a grid and working with that. It isn't very intuitive to include a grid WITHIN a view but thanks for sharing that tip 🙂
I need to achieve the following - which I am unable to right now. Any help with this will be highly appreciated
I have CPTs called companies that are associated with Cohort and Category. Cohort and Category are taxonomies. Each company is associated with multiple categories but just one cohort. I want to build a view to display the following (Tried nested views but unable to filter out how to display the filters in this case)
The view should be as follws
hidden link
On the right hand Side, I want to display the Companies Grouped by Cohorts with the Cohort name as the Title. On the left hand side, I want to see the filters (which I was able to setup). However if I try to create parent view for Cohort, then I am unable to setup these filters as they are not accessible :-/ How to deal with this?
Thanks for the help!!!
I assume we are talking about this nested views:
- Parent taxonomy view, query terms of taxonomy "Cohorts"
- Child post view, query "Companies" posts, filter by taxonomy "Cohorts" and "Category".
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset Views plugin, if you want to group result by taxonomy "Cohorts", you won't be able to filter the result by "Category" taxonomy in parent taxonomy view, there isn't any direct relationship between taxonomy "Cohorts" and "Category", so you will see the result: unable to setup these filters as they are not accessible.
If you do not need to group the result by taxonomy "Cohorts", then it needs just one post view, for example:
- Query "Companies" posts
- filter by taxonomy "Cohorts" and "Category"
Is there any way to get a view similar to what I have shared below
hidden link
It doesn't matter if the Cohorts are taxonomies OR CPTs. I just want to be able to show the filters to the left (I have already tried unsuccessfully with nested views - you have already mentioned the problems above) and on the right hand side, show the results BUT grouped by Cohorts. As mentioned earlier, it doesn't really matter whether cohorts are custom fields, or taxonomies, or other custom posts. If I can filter by these and show the results grouped by the Cohorts, that will be really great!
I saw some posts on creating parent views with item=@... I see a lot of the documentation around tags is no longer available on the website... so I am having a hard time figuring out all the options available with the tags inside the old classic editor for views. Could you please help me with this?
Is there any custom dev that we can do in order to achieve what I have mentioned above?
I don't think it is a good idea to filter the result by taxonomy "Cohorts" and group by same taxonomy "Cohorts", it will conducts other problems, for example:
"Post A" has two "Cohorts" terms: term 1, term 2.
Even you can use custom codes to achieve what you want, you will get duplicated items(Post A) in both two result groups: term 1, term 2.
Anyway, according to our support policy, we don't provide custom codes support:
You can also check it with our Toolset Contractors for custom code issues:
For the new question: item=@... please check our document:
Each Company will ONLY belong to 1 cohort.
As mentioned earlier, it doesn't matter whether we use taxonomy or something else. My question specifically is HOW do I create the view shown in the screenshot. To reiterate - each company belongs to ONLY 1 cohort. In any case, even if it was a many to many relation, my question isn't a request for a suggestion on whether I should group them or not. My question to be clear is - HOW DO I CREATE THE VIEW THAT I HAVE SHARED IN THE SCREENSHOT? Thanks for your quick response!
Can you please help answer this or assign this to another support person who knows the answer? Thanks!
There do exists another workaround without custom codes, but the workaround requires submit button, and you will need to disable AJAX search feature, which is not exact same as your screenshot
For example:
1) Edit the child post view:
Setup the custom search form + submit button, in section "Custom Search Settings", enable option: Full page refresh when visitors click on the search button
2) Edit the parent taxonomy view, in view's loop, display above child post view using option: Only the search results
3) Create a page, display:
- Child post view, with option: Only the search form
- Parent taxonomy view
Then the search form can pass URL parameter two all child post views, and filter the result.
Please let me know if you need more assistance for above workaround.
Thanks Luo. I will try this and circle back... lack of Ajax search is ok for us. Thanks a lot!
Just one question though, step 3... can I use Gutenberg? Because when I insert the view block, it doesn't show the option to only display search form. It keeps saying that view loop is mandatory if I try to remove it.
In your case, I suggest setup those taxonomy view + child post view with classic editor, since blocks editor(Gutenberg) does not support taxonomy view yet.
Hello. I tried this but I am not getting the expected results. I see ALL companies listed. If I change the filter such that "Cohorts" is set by parent taxonomy view, then I DON'T see the option to include Cohorts in filters separately.
If I set the Cohort filter through search filters aka Cohort is set by a URL parameter, then I see ALL the companies as seen in the screenshot below
hidden link
Please help!
It works fine in my localhost, can you provide a test site with the same problem?
Also point out the problem page URL and view URLs, I need to test and debug it in a live website
I have tried the credentials you provided above, but get this error message:
Unknown username.
Please check it, make sure it is valid admin account. thanks
Sorry. Username is extsupport