There seems to be a conflict with Gravity forms and Access on my website. When I install and activate Gravity forms some of the options (including where you can add the licence and configure the plugin) are missing even though I am an admin.
I turned off all plugins and the settings became available. I then turned on plugins one by one and once I activated Access the issue came back.
(Note the debug info will show some of the plugins out of date, we updated these and tested on dev and updating didn't fix the issue)
Hi Stewart,
Thank you for contacting us and I'll be happy to assist.
I couldn't reproduce this issue on my test website with the Gravity Forms and the Toolset Access plugin, which suggests that there is some conflict in the capability settings of your website either for a specific user or the entire administrator role.
Have you confirmed if the issue is being experienced only by your specific user account or it is happening with all user accounts with the "Administrator" role?
If you haven't tested this, I'll recommend to create a new test user with the administrator role and check those missing options while logged in with that new account.
Note: if you'd like to reset all the changes added through the Toolset Access plugin, you'll find the options for that in the "Access" tab at Toolset -> Settings:
I hope this helps and please let me know how it goes.
Hi Waqar - I can confirm that we reset all the Access settings and the issue remained. Also it is for the admin role generally as I tested with two different admin accounts and the issue was still there
Hi Tarn,
Thanks for sharing the update.
Since I'm unable to reproduce this on my test website, I'll need access to your website's admin area, for further troubleshooting.
I've set your next reply as private so that only you and our support team will have access to it.
Important note: Please make a complete backup copy of the website, before sharing the access details.
Hi Tarn,
Thank you for sharing the login details.
Unfortunately, the username and/or password that you shared isn't being accepted.
Can you please check them again and see if they work?
I've set your next reply to be private as well.
Note: Since this is a live website, I'll make sure that no changes are made to it. But my recommendation would be to create a cloned development copy and share its access details instead so that troubleshooting can be performed without worrying about the live website.
I am also having this issue. I've gone back to version and still cannot solve it. Even the two menus that remain...i.e. Forms and help give me a Sorry, you are not allowed to visit this page warning. This clearly means that the issue is with Access. Any headway with this?
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing the access details.
During further testing, I'm still not reproducible this issue on a test website. Since your website is live, troubleshooting cannot be performed on it directly.
A snapshot/clone of your website would be really useful in this case. We usually recommend the free Plugin “Duplicator” for this porpoise.
( )
Here is a video showing how the plugin can be used:
hidden link
When you'll create a snapshot, you'll get two downloadable files: installer file and the zipped package.
Please share both files (you probably want to use DropBox, Google Drive, or similar services, as the snapshot file will be quite big)
Important note:
Remember to create or keep an admin account for me before creating the snapshot, or I won’t be able to log in. You may delete the new admin account once the snapshot has been built.
I will enable your next answer as private so you can provide me the information securely.