I'm trying to display the appropriate form depending on the package I purchased earlier.
I have two types of packages - for 15 days and for 30 days.
Each package is another CRED form. I also created 2 forms for creating posts - one for 15 days, another for 30 days.
You need to be able to view a link to one of these forms depending on the package purchased earlier, something like:
[wpv-conditional if="($(packeage-30) ne '1' )"]
[cred_child_link_form form='730' text='Add post 15' target='_self']
[wpv-conditional if="($(packeage-30) eq '1' )"]
[cred_child_link_form form='4397' text='Add post 30' target='_self']
In the CRED form for 30 days I added a hidden box:
[credform class="cred-form"]
[cred-field field="form_messages" value=""]
[cred-field field="form_submit" value="30 days"]
[cred_generic_field field='package-30' type='hidden' class='' urlparam='']
I do not know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe my idea is bad...
Please give me a hint on how to do it right.
Dear Bochnacki,
It depends on how do you setup the "the package purchased earlier"?
If you are using a custom user field to store the value of "the package purchased earlier", you will need to use the types shortcode in the [wpv-conditional] shortcode, see our document:
Using shortcodes in conditions
"It depends on how do you setup the "the package purchased earlier"?" - Do not understand the question.
The 30 day Package is a CRED form that does not have any settings, other than assigning to the product.
I wrote such a shrtcode (I'm not sure if well):
function package_purchased_earlier() {
global $cred_form_id;
if($cred_form_ids = array(4376) ){
return 1;
return 0;
add_shortcode( 'package30', 'package_purchased_earlier' );
It is not possible for two packages to be purchased simultaneously, so I think it is enough to indicate the ID of the package purchased so that it can be checked for 30 days or not.
Then use the shortcode:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[package30]' eq '1' )"][cred_child_link_form form='4397' text='Add post 30' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
But maybe I'm wrong because my way still does not work...
I means this:
How do you setup the "package purchased earlier"?
How do you setup the two types of packages - for 15 days and for 30 days?
As I know, in your previous post you have customized the Classifieds demo site
If it is depends on the different CRED form, for example:
CRED form A - create/edit the package "15 days"
CRED form B - create/edit the package "30 days",
You can try these:
1) When user submit the CRED form A, add a custom field into the package post, setup the field value as "15 days", same as above:
When user submit the CRED form B, add a custom field into the package post, setup the field value as "30 days"
2) In the single package post, use shortcode [wpv-conditional] to check the field value, then display the what you want
I made a new custom field "Package days" for the entries type "Package".
The field has two options:
- 15 days (value = 1)
- 30 days (value = 2)
The code I added to functions.php:
add_action('cred_save_data_4376', 'my_save_data_activation_package_30',10,2);
function my_save_data_activation_package_30($post_id, $form_data)
if ($form_data['id']==4376)
if (isset($_POST['package-days']))
// add it to saved post meta
add_post_meta($post_id, '__my_custom_field', $_POST['package-days'], true);
And code on the page to show/hide the appropriate link to the CRED form:
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '1' )"][cred_child_link_form form='730' text='Add post 15' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '2' )"][cred_child_link_form form='4397' text='Add post 30"' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
What am I doing wrong that it still does not work?
How do you make the custom field "Package days" in the CRED form?
In your case, I don't think you need it, here is the example, the CRED form (ID 4376) is for "30 days" post:
1) Modify your PHP code as below:
add_action('cred_save_data_4376', 'my_save_data_activation_package_30',10,2);
function my_save_data_activation_package_30($post_id, $form_data)
update_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-package-days','30-days');
2) In the single package post, use shortcode [wpv-conditional] to check the field value, then display the what you want, like this:
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '30-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='4397' text='Add post 30"' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
In the CRED form I added a hidden field
[credform class="cred-form"]
[cred-field field="form_messages" value=""]
[cred-field field="form_submit" value="Package 30 days"]
[cred_generic_field field='package-days' type='hidden' class='' urlparam='']
After converting PHP to the one you gave above and adding a shortcode [wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '30-days' )"] to the link page, I will only see a link to the form for 15 days.
"2) In the single package post, use shortcode [wpv-conditional] to check the field value" - Shortcode [wpv-conditional] I've added to a page where there are links to different category forms (cars, vans, trucks, ...). It's not in a single package, just on a regular WP page.
I mean, after the purchase of the package for 15 days, I have a link to the form that you can add a post with a display time of 15 days.
After the purchase of the package for 30 days, I will have to show a link to the form for 30 days.
I hope I described it clearly.
Again, I don't think the generic_field "package-days" is needed in your case, but since you insist to use it, here are the detail steps:
1) In the content of CRED form, use the same codes you mentioned above:
[credform class="cred-form"]
[cred-field field="form_messages" value=""]
[cred-field field="form_submit" value="Package 30 days"]
[cred_generic_field field='package-days' type='hidden' class='' urlparam='']
2) In your theme/functions.php, use below PHP codes:
add_action('cred_save_data_4376', 'my_save_data_activation_package_30',10,2);
function my_save_data_activation_package_30($post_id, $form_data)
if (isset($_POST['package-days']))
// add it to saved post meta
update_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-package-days', $_POST['package-days'], true);
3) in the target page("just on a regular WP page" you mentioned above), here is the problem, it is not the package post user created, as a workaround, you can use view to get the package post, for example: create a view list package posts
order by the Post date, descending
filter by a Post author filter
Select posts with the author the same as the current logged in user.
Then we will get the latest "package" post just created by current user, in the view's loop use the same codes you mentioned above:
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '30-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='4397' text='Add post 30"' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
"3) in the target page("just on a regular WP page" you mentioned above), here is the problem, it is not the package post user created," - it is not a problem.
Links to forms are included in the appropriate code:
[wpv-if evaluate="(classifieds_check_if_subscription_is_still_valid() = 'yes') AND (classifieds_verify_if_user_is_ad_package_client() = 'yes') AND ('[wpv-current-user info="logged_in"]' = 'true') AND ('[wpv-current-user info="role"]' = 'dealer')"]
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) ne '30-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='730' text='Add post 15' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '30-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='4397' text='Add post 30' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
I changed the code in functions.php to the one you entered.
Unfortunately still does not work well. After you purchase the "Package 30 day" you will see the corresponding link - to the 30 day form. But after the purchase of "Package 15 Days" is still the same link to the 30 day form, and should be a link to the form for 15 days.
Yes, it is only an example for "30-days" package,
You will need apply the same settings to the "15-days" package,
for example,
1) In your CRED form for creating "15-days" package post, setup the field like this:
[cred_generic_field field='package-days' type='hidden' class='' urlparam='']
2) Add below codes in your theme/functions.php:
add_action('cred_save_data_1234', 'my_save_data_activation_package_15',10,2);
function my_save_data_activation_package_15($post_id, $form_data)
if (isset($_POST['package-days']))
// add it to saved post meta
update_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-package-days', $_POST['package-days'], true);
Please replace 1234 with the CRED form ID of step 1
3) Use the wpv-conditional shortcode like thisL
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '15-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='730' text='Add post 15' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
Hope it is clear
In CRED form for creating "15-days" package post i added:
[cred_generic_field field='package-days' type='hidden' class='' urlparam='']
I added the code
add_action('cred_save_data_566', 'my_save_data_activation_package_15',10,2);
function my_save_data_activation_package_15($post_id, $form_data)
if (isset($_POST['package-days']))
// add it to saved post meta
update_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-package-days', $_POST['package-days'], true);
add_action('cred_save_data_4376', 'my_save_data_activation_package_30',10,2);
function my_save_data_activation_package_30($post_id, $form_data)
if (isset($_POST['package-days']))
// add it to saved post meta
update_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-package-days', $_POST['package-days'], true);
On the links page I added
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '15-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='730' text='Add post 15' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
No link is shown now.
Since it is a custom PHP codes problem, please provide a test site with same problem, also point out the problem page URL and CRED form URL, and where I can edit your PHP codes. I need a live website to test and debug. thanks
Thanks for the details, I can login your website, but your website isn't in English, it is hard to debug in it, here is what I found.
1) Login as a "Dealer" user (beta41@onet.pl)
2) Goto URL hidden link
I can not find this text you mentioned in the private message: Kup Pakiet 5
So I can not do the rest test you mentioned in the private message
3) I can see you have put the shortcode [wpv-conditional ...] into a page:
hidden link
It is a wordpress page, it isn't the "Package" post, there isn't such a custom field "wpcf-package-days" in this page, so the shortcode [wpv-conditional ...] won't work.
The shortcodes will be able to check if current "Package" post has custom field "wpcf-package-days", and the custom field "wpcf-package-days" value is "15-days" or "30-days", then output what you want.
So In your case, I suggest you create a view, query "Package" post, filter by the post author is current user, and put the [wpv-conditional ...] shortcode in the view's loop.
display this view in the your page (ID 624), and test again
Idea very cool - thank you. Now show the correct links.
Why are there also links to already used Packages ?...
This is my loop:
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '15-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='730' text='Dodaj ogłoszenie z Pakietu (15 dni) w kat. "Pojazdy osobowe"' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]<br>
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-package-days) eq '30-days' )"][cred_child_link_form form='4397' text='Dodaj ogłoszenie z Pakietu (30 dni) w kat. "Pojazdy osobowe"' target='_self'][/wpv-conditional]
Yes, it is expected result, this view will output all package posts created by current user.
I suggest you add a filter in this view, filter by "Package number of ads allowed" > 0, and test again