I have a form with conditional fields. They were all working perfectly. For some reason, one is now not working. I don't think I've changed anything that would've caused this. Here's the form:
hidden link
The label "Model Name" and its associated text form field should be displayed with the Session Type is Model Home or Spec Home. Everything is configured correctly and this was working fine. If you view source or inspect, you'll see the div surrounding this field has been set to display:none. I have no idea why.
I've tried deleting the field from the form and re-adding it. It appears to be stuck in display:none whenever the field is included.
I've now tried completely deleting the form and re-adding it...this is maddening. I'm dead in the water.
Uggh, had condition set to AND instead of OR in the field group...no idea how that happened. Resolved.