I created some block conditionals in a template and they don't show in the translated pages.
You can see the conditions here:
( CONTAINS( #(product_cat), 'nivell-intermig' ) )
In the translations I have put the translated slug:
( CONTAINS( #(product_cat), 'intermediate' ) )
But It doesn't work.
How should i do it? Let me know. Thanks!
Hi there,
I would like to know if you translated the template manually or using the Advanced Translation Editor.
If you do it manually I wonder what happens if you use the non-trasnlated slug.
And what if you use some sort of language related conditional instead.
For example:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-bloginfo show="language"]' eq 'en-US' )"]
Language is english
Hi Christopher,
I translated the template using the Advanced Translation Editor. Isn't that right?
I don't understand the conditional example you sent me...
Let me know.
Hi there,
Ok if you added the conditional in one language and you translated using Advanced Translation Editor there is no need to add an additional conditional for the other language as you will not have access to the template in the secondary language in the first place.
Here is how to do the translation for the content template:
If you still have issues with the conditional in the second language please give us the content template name and the logi information for further investigation after creating a backup of your website.
Also make sure you set the next reply as private.