How is it possible to set a filter that you can have the Post Title and the Distance in an OR Search
So your have a Input "Type your Adress or the Name of the Company"
and then set the Filter to "Distance from GET variable Center OR post title similar to GET Company Name"
There isn't such a built-in feature within Views plugin.
Views plugin is using WordPress class WP_Query to query the posts, so the post title filter and custom address field filter will use relationship "AND", there isn't such an option to achieve what you want:
set the Filter to "Distance from GET variable Center OR post title similar to GET Company Name"
If you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.
set the Filter to "Distance from GET variable Center OR post title similar to GET Company Name"
There is no Way that i Can Combine that 2?
So that i've one field "seachdata" und than:
Show all Results Distance from GET['search data'] OR Post Title similar to GET['search data'] ?
OR is there a way to do it with PHP?
OR is it possible to set it up like:
Use Get parameter for company name - if that is that is NOT empty then show posts with similar title
if titleGET is empty then filter for Distance?
As I mentioned above, there isn't such a built-in feature within Views plugin, if you are going to use custom PHP codes, you can contact our experienced contractors: