Sometimes there are '??' signs after the date and sometimes there are not - see attached. Any idea what they could be?
Hi, a few questions about this issue:
Could you please provide a screenshot showing the problem along with more details about when you see the ?? characters?
Could you explain which blocks / shortcodes you are using?
Do the ?? characters are displayed in the block editor only or in the front-end of the site as well?
Do you see the characters when only the default Twenty Twenty theme and Toolset plugins are active?
Sorry - here is the correct screenshot. It shows up sometimes on the Front End but it seems to have disappeared.
The issue has to do with the date field and the code is this below. This is not the code that I originally set up but I cannot change it. I dont know why this code has hard coded numbers "2020-05-15" and "19:00"
[wpv-conditional if="( 'ticket-event' eq 'ticket-event' )"] [display_formatted_date field="2020-05-15" format='D, M j, Y'], [display_formatted_date field="19:00" format='g:i'][wpv-conditional if="( $(_start_date_picker) eq $(_end_date_picker) )"] - [display_formatted_date field="21:00" format='g:i a'][/wpv-conditional] [wpv-conditional if="( $(_start_date_picker) ne $(_end_date_picker) )"][display_formatted_date field="2020-05-15" format='D, M j, Y'], [display_formatted_date field="21:00" format='g:i a'][/wpv-conditional] [/wpv-conditional][wpv-conditional if="( 'ticket-event' ne 'ticket-event' )"] [/wpv-conditional]
This is the Original code that I'm trying to copy:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-post-taxonomy type='product_type' format='name']' eq 'ticket-event' )"] [display_formatted_date field="[wpv-post-field name='_start_date_picker']" format='D, M j, Y'], [display_formatted_date field="[wpv-post-field name='_start_time_picker']" format='g:i a'][wpv-conditional if="( $(_start_date_picker) eq $(_end_date_picker) )"] - [display_formatted_date field="[wpv-post-field name='_end_time_picker']" format='g:i a'][/wpv-conditional][wpv-conditional if="( $(_start_date_picker) ne $(_end_date_picker) )"][display_formatted_date field="[wpv-post-field name='_end_date_picker']" format='D, M j, Y'], [display_formatted_date field="[wpv-post-field name='_end_time_picker']" format='g:i a'][/wpv-conditional] [/wpv-conditional]
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-post-taxonomy type='product_type' format='name']' ne 'ticket-event' )"] [/wpv-conditional]
Here is the link to the Archive: hidden link
English (English )
America/Jamaica (GMT-05:00)
Hi Gina,
Christian is currently on vacation at the moment so I will be handling this ticket for him.
It seems you've provided a link to the backend but no credentials for me to log in.
Can you provide the credentials to the site so that I can have a look ?
Also this shortcode here [display_formatted_date] if you remove it does the date display without the ?
Based on your shortcode usage I suspect that these date fields were not created in Types correct?
Please let me know.