hi., in the custom post relationship -, many -to-many i have 2 fielsd.
name [single line ] and type [single line ] , - its fine,
the issue is there is default title box for this. so i have to remove the name and USE the default title box as name, its fine too .. but how do i rename the title into 'name' ? its strange if i have field that says ,title - type.
i think option to hide the title would be good, but its not working for now.
There isn't option to hide the post title field, but you can try to change the text Title to what you want using WordPress filter hook "gettext", for example, add below codes into your theme:
add_filter('gettext', function($translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain){
if($translated_text == "Title" && $domain == 'wpcf'){
$translated_text = 'Name';
return $translated_text;
}, 20, 3);
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Hi Luo , this is for all cpt ?
suggestion is give option to rename the default title to prefered title so that we dont need to add field 2x .
RFG : Nearby Coffeeclub
title : Starbucks
custom field _name: starbucks.
custom_field_distance : 200 m
as you can see end user need to enter "starbucks" twice. which is not productive.
Yes, you are right, this is for all cpt
As I mentioned above: there isn't option to hide the post title field, if you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it. thanks
yes pls . submit as request .
thanks. will follow up there.