Tell us what you are trying to do?
Want to center the map on a given marker (from the first post), and want to request spinderfy map style
I've searched for the proper keywords, can't find the right ones
I'm trying to center the map on a given marker (using the lat/lon from the first post as returned by the top most (parent) view) >> see "a" screen capture
I'm using a fixed lat/lon for now, but I intend to use the lat/lon fields from the post
As you can see the center of the map is not responding to the fixed lat/lon values
Also I can't get cluster="on" to work, actually I would prefer spinderfy, but I can't find that in the documentation
Appreciate your help
FYI, I did also try (in "c"
[wpv-map-render map_id="map-8" cluster="on" spiderfy="on" cluster_max_zoom="4"][/wpv-map-render]
Hi, I'm a bit confused about what you're trying to accomplish. In "b" screenshot, I see a map is inserted inside the loop of a View. That could produce multiple maps, one for each result in the View. In "a" screenshot, the map is outside the loop. Maybe it would be helpful if i can see how you have things set up in wp-admin. Can you provide a login for me?
Can you show me where I would find the map on the front-end of the site, a specific page URL?
Thanks for the quick reply
I've uploaded the image (d) of the page as it initially appears, and (e) as I would like it with the green marker in the center
the URL required is hidden link
BTW it is a database of 350 posts, which is expected to be increased to 10,000
Let me explain, because I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly
The "parent" view finds one post corresponding to the email. Not all emails have posts. Having found the one post=email, it is the green marker and its lat/lon location is set as the start-point
The "MapX1" view calculates the distance of every other post to this start-point
The "Child" view MAY select a subset (based on aircraft type), but returns only those posts less than 25 miles (green pins) from this start-point OR with a custom field >3 (red pins)
There is a snippet of code that checks various conditions and stores a URL in each post to determine which icon to display. (The listing of posts above the map is only for diagnostic purposes)
I did try doing this all with conditional logic within the loop but it was too slow, the views, by doing database selects, is much quicker.
I will do a backup and cleanup in the weekend if you still need access
Much appreciated
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!