Tell us what you are trying to do?
I'm trying to setup a Content Template for "Events" (parent) that contains a Post Form for "RSVPs" (child). The relationship is set up as one event -to- many rsvps. The RSVP form is really simple - just the relationship selector for the "Event" and the submit button.
I changed the submit button to read "RSVP". The selector by default has --Not Set-- ... this is my issue.
The idea is that click on an existing Event. This brings up all the data for that event along with the RSVP button. The relationship field would be hidden, because, by default the value of the relationship would equal the existing event that you're on.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I feel like this is close, but I'm missing something... it doesn't explain how the default is set.
"the form will automatically select the parent" - not happening for me.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
See the image, and if you need more details I'll share them.
What is the link to your site?
I would love to share every detail with you, but I don't want ANY of my site details made public. I'm not seeing an option to hide details like my site address or theme framework or php / mysql versions, etc. I really think this privacy for these details should be available from the very beginning of any support request. Even some pics might need to be made private, but I don't see options for that either. Surely I'm not the only person concerned by this.