A repeating Types field is stored as this in the Database:
1. One entry each value
2. An entry for the sort order of the repeating values.
Let's say you have one repeating field, with 2 values (value_one and value_two), then in the DDBB you will have:
meta_id: 236, post_id: 52, meta_key: wpcf-repeating-field
meta_id: 237, post_id: 52, meta_key: wpcf-repeating-field
sort order for above two values:
meta_id: 238, post_id: 52, meta_key: _wpcf-repeating-field-sort-order
(this is a serialized array: a:2:{i:0;i:236;i:1;i:237;})
As you see when you update a Custom Field that is repeating, you need to pass the values and the sort order.
You need to update the single values in a Foreach, and then update the order outside that foreach.
I can not help you to build the given array coming from another plugin, but I could show you how this is done with a repeating Field updating another repeating field.
How to get the Field from the Database:
//We are taking out a Repeating Field (Single Line) of possible items
//This will give us an Array() of Possible Items of the repeating field
$field_content = get_post_meta($single_post_id, 'wpcf-field-repeating');
//We also need the hidden field for the above repeating Field (_wpcf-field-repeating-sort-order)
$sort_order_repeating = get_post_meta($single_post_id, '_wpcf-field-repeating-sort-order', true);
How to update another Field with above:
//go over all repeating fields values (possible items)
foreach ($field_content as $field_content_single ) {
//create a new $variable with single Question post Object
$single_value = $field_content_single;
//add/update the repeating possible Items
add_post_meta($new_post_id, 'wpcf-field-repeating', $single_value);
//update the order of those repeating fields
update_post_meta($new_post_id, '_wpcf-field-repeating-sort-order', $sort_order_repeating);