I don't know what's going on, I have had quite a few problems with the content templates to be honest and now the edits I do simply don't save so I can't fix the layout, I've done a video to show you guys: hidden link
Site needs to go live asap, I'm hoping you can solve that problem quickly, thanks.
This could possibly be a plugin conflict as to why its not saving. What I recommend that you do is to temporarily disable the non-toolset plugins leaving only the Builder plugin.
Next just try to see if you can replicate the issue again.
Finally you can also try this solution here
Elegant Themes released a new editor for Divi called The Latest Divi Builder Experience. Currently, in order to use Divi alongside Toolset you need to disable this new editor. To do that to go to Divi -> Theme Options, click the Builder tab and in the Advanced section disable The Latest Divi Builder Experience and enable the Classic Editor option.
Also the Classic Editor plugin isn't needed as out Types plugin is able to allow you to use the classic editor if you enable it in the Post Type settings.
Thanks Shane for the quick reply. Unfortunately that wasn't it, I did deactivate all unnecessary plugins and it didn't make a difference, I'm not using the latest Divi builder as I noticed problems before. Arrrgh, this is so incredibly frustrating, I obviously don't know where the problem lies, if it's Divi or Toolset but it feels very unstable now, scary that whenever I do an update on the template, some settings get lost... this is not a website I can have this kind of problems with.
So far, the only thing that partially worked was to duplicate the row, change the gutter and width, save and it stays but then when I go back to change something else, the settings get lost again, I've probably done it 50 times today.
I was able to replicate the issue as you say it. Not only on your duplicator package but also on a fresh install of Divi.
I've escalated your ticket to our 2nd tier supporters for further debugging however I would recommend getting in touch with the divi team as well to see if they have any fixes for this.
Yes, that's what I did and I hope that they or you will be able to find a fix otherwise, it means I'm currently stuck with this site that needs to go live...
Also if you look at the code for the builder you will see that they are using the attribute use_custom_gutter="on". However i'm not seeing an attribute for the gutter size. Maybe you can ask the Divi team if there is a way to set it manually as a workaround.
Good news, Eduard at Elegant themes was able to fix it by simply reactivating the New Visual Builder. So now, the question to you is are you sure the new builder isn't compatible as you mentioned earlier. If yes, what are the known issues please?
This solution came about because some customers were having issues with Divi and toolset, which ranges from custom fields not showing up, to not being able to edit the content templates with divi.
However i checked and i'm not seeing any issues from the get go. It seems that this was resolved however, I cannot guarantee that since i'm not seeing anything about it in our changelogs.
I'm also happy to see that the issue has been resolved for you but our team is still looking at the issue with the classic builder.