I am trying to: import the .zip files of Types, Views etc. in another site but I get the message "Impossible open the .zip file".
I already tried to decompress the .zip file but I get a .zip.cpgz file that if uncompressed gets a new .zip file (seems they are looping each other) so I cannot get the XML file inside the .zip
I am using a Mac, is it possible that the issue is related to my OS?
Decompressing and/or recompressing the files is not suggested, they will break on import.
I had that issue on Mac and this is what you need to do to fix it if it's the same:
- adjust your browser settings to not expand files (so zips are not thrown to the trash and opened, but kept as the downloaded data)
- do not alter that file
- import it to the other site as such
Hi Beda,
the import error is given on the original .zip files we downloaded from the original site by using the Toolset Export options. So the problem is not resolved.
Any guess of what could generate the issue?
I know only of one other issue:
When you import Layouts with Toolset > Import/Export > Layouts Import, while the Plugin Sublanguage is active, it will not import the file.
The Console will throw the error Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) on hidden link https://toolset.com/forums/topic/issues-when-importing-layouts-exports/
That does not seem to be the issue here, hence, could you let us log in and we can export the files (It is any of the exports, right?)
Then we can try that file locally, and if it fails, we will probably need a copy of the site. https://toolset.com/faq/provide-supporters-copy-site/
Hi Bleda I have a problem to grant you access to the site because at this moment we do not have available a backup since the site is huge and we are moving some sections (those made in toolset to a new hosting) That's the reason why we need to export all toolset layouts, views etc. in the new site. so I checked the checkboxes above but I cannot send you credentials since we cannot say that a backup is done and we cannot risk to have any problem on the site.
Please consider that is a live site and so do not create any change to data or plugin and please do not update Toolset with the new version because we don't know if in the new version of the plugin all layouts and script will work in the right way.
I also tried to export the TYPES, VIEWS and LAYOUTS from a PC but I have still the problem that the .zip file that is created is not recognized as a .zip file and cannot be imported.
Is there an alternative way to export all toolset data to a new site?
We have to do a urgent change of hosting and if we cannot export all Toolset data it is a very big problem.
Thanks for your help
Beda is on vacation, back tomorrow, sorry for the delay in responding.
Could you upload the problem zip files to dropbox or similar and share links to them here? (They won't be visible to anyone but Toolset support and yourself.)
You don't want to migrate the entire site using a plugin such as Duplicator, right?
Hi Nigel,
we already did the migration everything went fine except for a problem in one view (we already opened a ticket for that).
So would you please look at the problem we are having in the site concerning the rendering of Google maps?
hidden link
What could be the problem?
New threads created by Beda and linked to this one are listed below:
If that does not work either I need to confirm
- the issue happens with updated Toolset
- the issue happens with no other plugin active
- If all above turn negative, I'll need a copy of the site or at least access to export the files to test
(however, that would not yet help to solve it)
Related to rendering Google Maps, that's another issue.