I am trying to: create a new template for a custom type. I have three custom types (imported from Drupal to WP) and created templates for two of them without any problems. The third one is just like the others - title, a post, author and list of related posts, but it isn't working the way expected.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: The changes I made to a saved template for the custom type. When I am on one the pages of the custom type, I go to to the top menu: Design with Toolset>Create a New Template for...I then create my Template for this type, save it and go back to the page to see it.
Instead, I got: No changes occur and the top menu again says: Create a New Template for... Not the expected named template I created. So I create a new Template 2 (3,4,5...) and so on. No created templates ever attach to the content type. I have deleted these templates and started over, but no effect.
At the risk of sounding a bit dim, I don't recognise your description "go to to the top menu: Design with Toolset>Create a New Template". Can you show me a screenshot of that?
First can you verify that the post types appear to each be registered with Types correctly by checking them at Toolset > Post Types.
Then go to Toolset > Content Tempates. You should find assigned templates assigned to the two post types which are working correctly. For the third post type, what do you see? Is there a template which claims to be assigned to the post type in question?
When you edit one of the posts of this type, it should say which template is assigned to this post (as per screenshot). Does it?
Before going much further, can you run a quick conflict test, which is to say, disable all plugins except Types and Views and see whether you can create and assign a template from Toolset > Content Templates.
Let me know what you find and I can see how to proceed.
Well, I will deactivate other plugins if I have to (setting won't be deleted will they?).
But it seems to another problem. For example, when I create a new template for my Gathering custom type, for example "Gathering Template", I save and go to see the result on a Gathering item. No change in formatting. And the top menu still asks to Create A New Template for Gathering. I do that and it creates "Gathering Template 1". When I try to delete previous Gathering Templates, it keeps adding another number. I am up to "Gathering Template 11", even though I have deleted these other versions. Meanwhile, the Gathering custom post does not change.
Sorry, you were talking about the design with Toolset link on the front end.
In any case, that should create a template that you can see at Toolset > Content Templates and which, when you edit a single post of that type, is shown as assigned to that post.
De-activating and re-activating plugins won't lose any data, if you could perform that check.
Otherwise it may be something has gone wrong with importing your site content from Drupal. For that I'd really need to see your site for myself.
Let me mark your next reply as private so that I can get log-in credentials from you—you may want to create a temporary admin user for me to use that you can later delete. And be sure to have a current backup of your site.
I don't intend to make any changes, other than possibly to temporarily add a backup plugin to take a snapshot of the site if I need to test it locally.
I can't provide access to the server ftp - not my domain. Only the admin of the wp site, but this reply did not allow me to send just the site username and password. How can I get that to you?
When I request site credentials from you in a private reply it uses a template which also asks for FTP credentials, but you can just put placeholder text there.
I tried to use the site credentials you provided, but the password is wrong. Could you please check and try again?
I visited your site and looked at the current templates at Toolset > Content Templates.
I found a Template for Gatherings 4 which wasn't assigned to anything, and a Template for Gatherings 5 which was assigned to gathering posts but which was empty.
So I edited the template 5 and inserted some content in the template.
I also noticed that although the template was assigned to gathering posts, it didn't seem to be applied to existing posts (see screenshot with the button to bind the template to existing posts). When you create and assign a template to a post type it will automatically be assigned to all new posts of that type, but you may find that you need to bind it to existing such posts.
I then confirmed on an individual gathering post that the template had been assigned (second screenshot) and viewed the post on the front-end, where I could see that it was being used.
So everything appears to be working correctly.
Note, a couple of your plugins appear to be redundant, namely "Dashicons + Custom Post Types" — you can simply set the icon from the edit screen of the post type at Toolset > Post Types — and "Custom Post Type Permalinks" — in the options when editing a custom post type you can choose whether the post type has an archive and set the rewrite rules for it.