I am trying to: add more custom fields. Types was updated yesterday and a lot of fields that were on our website are no longer there. We reverted back to the old version and tried to re-add the fields from User Created Fields but they won't save. Here is a video of what I mean:
hidden link
I visited this URL: hidden link
I expected to see: Fields for customers to fill in info
Instead, I got: Missing fields as seen here: hidden link
There should be a spot to put in name and email,
Thanks for the details, the problem seems to be a limitation of your webserver, I suggest you check these first:
1) follow our document to increase the number of imputs that your server:
2) If the problem still exists, please try this:
a) deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme, and test again
b) Enable PHP debug mode, copy and paste the debug logs here
PHP Debugging
In case you think that Types or Views are doing something wrong (what we call a bug), you should enable PHP error logging. Again, edit your wp-config.php file and add the following:
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
This will produce a file called ‘error_log.txt’ in your WordPress root directory. Make sure that the web server can create and write this file. If it cannot, use an FTP program to create the file and make it writable to Apache (normally, user www-data).