I have noticed some odd permissions between plugins and some of the suggestions from plugin authors is to use another permissions role editor that can actually deny access. I don't see a way to do that in Toolset Access? I also have struggled to find plugin capability details to add them manually to Toolset Access when other Role Editors "automatically" can find and display capacities from other plugins.
Is there any known conflicts or ways around them if you try to use say User Role Editor while also controlling Toolset content with Toolset Access?
Toolset Access plugin supports custom capabilities, for example:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Access control-> Custom Roles
Click button "Enable advanced mode", find one of user role, click link "Change permissions", in tab "Custom capabilities", here you can add more custom capabilities from other plugins, see my screenshot capabilities.JPG
And you need to add them manually if they are not in the list of "Other capabilities".
I have searched the keyword "User Role Editor" in our forum, and found some related thread:
In my opinion, it is not good idea to to use User Role Editor plugin with Toolset Access plugin, it might conduct unexpected results.
Yes, I have used that. The hardest part is finding the correct name and spelling to add the capability correctly. My problem is that I need a way to deny a capability using Toolset Access since it is the only permissions plugin I am running.
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset Access plugin: deny a capability.
The Toolset Access plugin is using WP function has_cap() to check user's capabilities:
and there isn't such a WP function can deny a capability, see WP document
You can add a feature request for it:
Our developers will evaluate it.
Currently, you might consider other workaround, for example:
1) Create a custom user role, add the specific capabilities
2) In the post content, use [types_access] to check if current user is not in above role, then output something, for example:
[toolset_access role="Administrator" operator="deny"]
Here display something