I created a many-to-many relationship. I link "training date" to "training sheet"
In the admin, when I go to my type of publication "date of training", I create a new one and I have a link field allowing me to look for a "training sheet" and it works, the link is OKAY.
On the other hand, when I am in admin in “training sheet”, I have the possibility to link an “existing training date” or to create a new one. If I create a new one, it doesn't link me automatically, I get a message saying, "The Link post reference field failed to display here." To set the post reference, see the edit posts page. "
It is not possible that the link is automatic from the parent or we create the child?
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
When a new post is created from within the post-relationship meta box on the post edit screen, it offers to add data in that post's custom fields too.
However, if that post also includes a post reference type field, that field can't be edited from this pop-up window, and to edit that field, you'll need to go to that newly created post's own edit screen.
This warning message that you referred to is shown to remind the users that this post includes a post reference field, but it can't be edited from here.
In my tests, this warning message doesn't stop the relationship connection from forming and the newly created post is connected to the current post, as expected.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!