I am trying to create a content template for displaying the custom post type of Dogs - I'm trying to use beaver builder to create the view. But when ever I go to select fields to populate the view via the text editor module in beaver builder it won't let me select any of the fields.
Dear sophie,
I have a copy of Beaver Builder Plugin (Lite Version) 1.8.5 in my localhost, I tested it with Views 2.2 + Twenty Sixteen theme in a freshwordpress installation, but can not duplicate same problem, see screenshot 1.jpg.
I suggest you check these in your website:
1) deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme, and test again
2) Enable PHP debug mode, copy and paste the debug logs here
PHP Debugging
In case you think that Types or Views are doing something wrong (what we call a bug), you should enable PHP error logging. Again, edit your wp-config.php file and add the following:
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
This will produce a file called ‘error_log.txt’ in your WordPress root directory. Make sure that the web server can create and write this file. If it cannot, use an FTP program to create the file and make it writable to Apache (normally, user www-data).
3) Check if there is any JS errors in your website
Hi Luo, many thanks for advice. I went through and disabled some plugins and retested. It appears that a plugin I use Beaver Lodge (hidden link) causes the issue. Once this plugin is disabled I can select the fields with no problem.
Thank you, Sophie.