The idea is to create an Event (CPT 1) that is getting a name from an Artist (CPT 2 - First Relationship) and a Location (CPT3 - Second Relationship) so that it looks like Artist @ Location when we save it.
Thanks for an idea or a hint and kind regards, Alex
yes. Ideally we want to create a post event fill the needed data and then connect with CPT 2 (Artist) and CPT 3 (Location).
After saving the Title of the Event should be CPT-2-Title @ CPT-3-Title...
In such a case then we might be able to get the ID's from the frontend form for each post in the relationship and get the post titles for each post.
Do you know how to check the post request payload in your browser?
If not you can let me know and I can provide you with the correct $_POST request variable to use when you're retrieving the value from the $_POST request.
I will need access to the form to be able to do this.
Ok, not really, i'm not a programmer... but we didn't plan a frontend-post-submission, the post are created in the backend by the user. We have to prepare everything in the beginning of next week, we just found out, that it not possible without custom code.