I am trying to: I loaded the Instant messaging system. And the author arcgive page came with it, but it is not working. Shows no item.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: Shows no item in the author archive page.
I expected to see: Soem profile information..
Instead, I got: No item. I tried everything and have read most of the answers.
Hi Alvin,
Thank you for waiting.
To show author info outside the loop, for a user who's author archive page is being viewed, you'll need to register a custom shortcode, that returns the ID of that user, as explained in this reply:
Once you'll have the shortcode, you can use it to show user fields as well as the listings from the listings view, by setting it to show listings, where an author is set by a shortcode attribute.
I hope this helps!
Hi I have already registered the shortcode but still nothing..
Hi Alvin,
I've just tested the shortcode on your website and it seems to be working as expected, as shown in these screenshots:
Screenshot from the admin area:
hidden link
( source: hidden link )
Screenshot from the front-end:
hidden link
( source: hidden link )
Can you please try that again?
I tried changing it to show the name but it is not working and shows the current user name instead of the author. How to do it properly? Thanks.
Hi Alvin,
The "author" attribute was used with the listing view's shortcode because it was set in the query filter settings.
When you'll be using the "wpv-post-author" shortcode ( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views-shortcodes/#vf-154504 ) or the "wpv-user" shortcode ( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views-shortcodes/#vf-154505 ), to show the user info, the "id" attribute should be used.
( screenshot: hidden link )
You'll find a good usage example for the same in the reply from Christian, that was shared earlier.
( https://toolset.com/forums/topic/author-page-single/#post-618800 )
I hope this clarifies.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!