This is a bit tricky to explain, will try to do my best.
Im planning to use toolset cred forms to register NORMAL users(members) and PARTNER users, with toolset api create a post of the cpt "MEMBER" and "PARTNER" and populate data inherited by the creds register form.
There are 3 CPT's envolved in this process. MEMBERS, PARTNERS and REQUESTS.
1 - I believe that these 3 to be interlinked than REQUESTS should be the intermediary CPT? A member can insert a REQUEST (partner can't), member can see only his own requests, partner can see all the requests. This would be a many-to-many.
All views are protected to registered users only.
I know i can define relationships within a cred form (show the dropdown select to choose), all the actions memtioned below are to be implemented on the FRONTEND. This is the workflow:
- a user that is the author of MEMBER post (also from the member userrole) creates a REQUEST and becomes the author of that request. He will be able to see only its own requests. PARTNERS will not be able to see this request until they are assigned to them (threw relationship).
- Me as admin can assign a PARTNER to that REQUEST (on the frontend) and this action will fire an e-mail to the author of the PARTNER POST assigned to warn him with the content of the REQUEST fields.
2 - Is this possible with toolset? Toolset does not allow USER to be connected to a post by a relationship so the MEMBERS and PARTNERS and required, and the information goes always to the authors.
For a perhaps more practical use consider a APPOINTMENT, CLINIC, USER point of view.
User submits an appointment which only clinics can see if i choose that way (assign relationship), assigned clinics receive an e-mail notification and login and see the appointments assigned to them, they confirm the appointment by some action and user gets notified.
Of course there are other issues in between (file uploads) but i believe i can set field conditionals with the aid of generic fields.
Hope i was clear enough to know if this is possible with toolset.