I'm trying to create an advanced search interface that is based on the custom fields of my custom post type (similar to the interface of an airlines ticket website)
I've started with this tutorial hidden link
I'm wondering if registering the custom query vars is necessary or if the Toolset custom fields can already be used in a WP_Query without that step.
Additionally—can i use my custom fields slug directly on the URL to test?
that doesn't seem to work.
I have checked the URL you mentioned above, it seems to be a artical talking about customize the WordPress built-in search result page.
In Toolset side, all custom post fields are standard WordPress custom post fields, and it is possible to setup the query as you mentioned above without custom codes.
For example, you can try these:
1) Dashboard-> Toolset-> WordPress Archive, create a new one, and enable option "Search results".
2) In section "Query Filter" of above WordPress Archive, follow our document to setup the filters on custom fields using URL parameters:
URL parameter
The value for the filter is set in the URL to the page
This will let you create custom searches filters for Views, where visitors can control what the View will show.