I am trying to: To edit archive template for custom post type. Theme is Twenty Twenty-Three. Creation is not a problem, but the front end archive is not visible (I can see default archive). If I try to use the 'View' block in the archive editing part of the theme itself, the Toolset image block gives me no options to choose elements. (added image)
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: This is default template hidden link
I expected to see: Additional data to the archive loop
I lost whole day with this and nothing is helping. I create a template for the archive in the toolset, but it is not displayed on the front end. Plz can someone check this?
yep, you are.
1. This is a default archive template that you can see now that show excerpt.
2. I made template for that custom post type in toolset and instead of excerpts show some taxonomies from that custom post type.
3. Template from toolset is not visible as you can see. (Attached screenshot).
4. Fill free to log in and check on your on.
5. Name for toolset template is Strains with ID 414.
I checked with your theme and I can see its not working with your current theme twentytwentythree.
Toolset modify the content (post body / the_content) area and your theme does not look to use the the_content function.
Content Templates modify the content when called from the_content function. Some themes don't use this function, but define their own that is why the archive is not working.
If you switch to the twentytwentyone (2021) theme you will see it working. If you want to make it work with your current theme then you will have to create a child theme and in the child theme you should add the PHP template for your archive and make sure you will be using the_content() function inside it to display the archive.
You should read about that and check if that helps, if that does not help, I will require FTP access details.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
I'm not sure how this theme works as its not using the default .php file for archive but .html file inside the templates folder inside your theme.
I've created the "templates" folder inside your child theme and copy the default archive.html available with your parent theme to your child theme's "templates" folder I just created. Then I've rename the archive.html to archive-strains.html
The content of this file is kind different and not using normal PHP. However, I deleted the excerpt part which you do not want.
I'm not quite sure about how to edit that so I suggest the easy way would be you should create a page that should work as archive and to that page you should add a view that should display your desired content. Does that makes sense?
If you do not know how to edit that theme - you can also contact any of our certified partners for further help:
=> https://toolset.com/contractors/
Twenty twenty-three is not mine, it is the latest theme coming from wordpress developers. If the toolset focused on block themes, I think you should support the latest and greatest theme right now.
The last theme you are currently support is a 2 year old.
I will close this thread, but no solution was found. Using pages instead of categories is not the same. Maybe from developer perspective, from SEO perspective its not OK,