A view that never had a problem before just started showing this error: "The ancestors argument does not end with a valid post that is related for the returned post types on this View."
I think it's from when I changed the name of a post type -- but I'm not sure what should be used here instead.
I tried changing it to the new name and got "The ancestor_type argument refers to a post type that is not included in the relationship tree." instead.
How do I figure out what to put in this line here?
[wpv-control-post-ancestor type="select" default_label="Select a school here." ancestor_type="colleges"]
Instead of "colleges" -- the new post type has a slug of "member-schools" but that didn't work.
(It's a complex site that was designed a while ago -- I can't do a major update to migrate to the new relationships at this time if that's what's involved, so direction on how to fix this legacy setup would be appreciated.)
My issue is resolved now. Thank you! (I went into Edit Filter for the View and was able to choose the appropriate Post Relationship from the dropdown.)