I have a CPT (Best Sellers,) and I want to show them all in a list (image, title, description), and allow the user to select their desired items (checkbox next to each item I suppose), then click a Send button and have those selections(titles) emailed to me.
Thanks, but couldn't I create another cpt, like Entries, that has a few fields (name, phone, email...) and create a Form that creates this post upon submission. Then is there a way to connect the Entries cpt with "Best Sellers" so I can output them on that form too?
Actually I came across this post which looks similar to what I'm looking for... or am I mis-understanding this post?
Yes this is possible to do as i mentioned in my previous post with the use of child posts.
However the user will only be able to select the items one by one. So you wouldn't be able to do it in bulk as you mentioned initially.
The solution in the link above works quite well as since you're able to get the post title, this can serve as a good solution.
So all you need to do is to create a form and a view. The view will populate the generic field in the form with the post titles. Then you should be able to send out a notification with this field.
You said "However the user will only be able to select the items one by one. So you wouldn't be able to do it in bulk as you mentioned initially." Why would they only be able to select one by one?
Basically the solution in the link above would work for what I am describing? Would I only be able to get the post title, or could I also get a post image and description?
Would this solution also mean that whenever I added a new cpt I would have to update the form with another Generic checkbox field?
That is correct, the user wouldn't be able to select the items in bulk. Thats because of how the notifications are going to work.
There will be a compromise. You can allow the user to select multiple items, however in this case you will only be able to get the titles and won't be able to customize the output.
You will pretty much need to output the entire form data to do this.
In the case where the you have the user only selects one option, then we can get the ID of the option they select and retrieve the other fields that are stored in this post. This means you will be able to get the Title, Description etc.
Please let me know what you think of this and I can guide you through the process.