Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
You can activate the comments for the post created for your post type from;
=> Toolset => Post Types => Edit your post type => Under section "Sections to display when editing" => Checkmark the checkbox comments and save your post type.
Then with all of your posts belong to that post type there will be an option available "Allow Comments" when you create/edit the post for your post type.
Yes I'm aware of that setting, what I'm asking for is a way to ensure that every post created for that cpt has the "allow comments" box checked off by default. So for instance when I use a post form to create a new post for a cpt, I don't see a field I can add to the form to 'allow comments' unless I'm missing something. Users of the application I'm building need to be able to leave comments for some post types, but they do not have access to the dashboard.
For every post of a certain type yes, I already have a function that copies over fields from a parent post when this cpt is created, if there is a way for me to set comments to 'allow' in that function that would be perfect. I'm just not aware of syntax being that it's a cpt.
Sorry for not including all the info in my first post Minesh, I should have mentioned that it was a front end form creating the post and that I already have a corresponding function that fires using the 'cred_submit_complete' hook.