Event though custom fields are uniquely assigned to all templates and post types, when trying to add a child post via the parent post it offers every available custom filed. This makes it extremely confusing for the client. This looks to be new since you started using a lightbox for this..
In the provided screenshot it should only offer the title and image field. It show a ton of fields.
Right, I confirm that the Child Post table does not listen to any conditions in the Fields settings but the post type.
Not even single field conditions seem to apply.
Reported as a BUG.
Thanks for the heads up.
How do we fix this crucial issue?
You would need to wait for the fix to be pushed.
This will happen as soon the developers will fix this problem
For now, I cannot provide any other workaround unfortunately
I just saw that single fields respect the condition set by other single fields.
So this is maybe how you can workaround for now - but note, the Fields won't use the AJAX to show/hide when based on other fields values, as they do usually in the backend.
I reported this as well.
This will be fixed in the next release.
This is resolved in the latest Toolset Plugins updates
Thanks for your patience!