I am trying to: Use AJAX filters to narrow down views.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: Can send link privately.
I expected to see: The filter is clicked and the list is updated.
Instead, I got: The filter is clicked and the list is updated and data is cleared.
Hi, private reply fields are available here. Please let me know where I can find this View on the front-end of your site.
Sorry, I didn't get the private information I need to log in. Can you try again? At the very least I need the basic HTTP authentication to access the wpengine site. For more direct help, I need your wp-admin login credentials. Thank you!
Can you check those HTTP auth credentials from an incognito browser? I'm not able to get authorized.
Okay I'm not really familiar with the acf_field shortcode, but in general 3rd-party shortcodes don't work well with Views or WordPress Archives AJAX updates unless the shortcodes are specifically designed with AJAX support in mind: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/front-page-filters/#2-1-custom-search-settings
Is there any documentation available online for the acf_field shortcode?
For simple text values you can use the wpv-post-field shortcode to display the raw value from the database. This Views shortcode is AJAX-friendly.
Okay, I get it. That's good to know.
Looks like wpv-post-field isn't working because it's not a standard field. It's an acf field. I'll register the acf shortcode with Toolset and then run their shortcode.
And, that worked!
Should anybody come looking for such a solution for ACF and Toolset Views, use the acf shortcode
[acf field="{$field_name}" post_id="{$post_id}"]
replacing with your field name and then use the View's ID shortcode as follows:
[acf field="my_custom_field" post_id="[wpv-post-id]"]