All the support tickets I have found on this are old. I have my cred form uploading the image using the wordpress uploader. This allows the user to add captions in the media uploader. But this is only working if logged in. When I am not logged in, I don't have the option to add captions. How can I make it so that users that are not logged in can add captions to their images (multiple images in custom repeating field).
But as shared the user should be loggedin user then they can add the caption.
There is no other way to update the caption, Another way would be creating the Repeating field group where it should hold the two fields, image field and single line field that should hold the caption but then you will not be able to add multiple images at a time, you will be able to add one entry at a time. Please check the following Doc:
I do not have any other alternate solution to share as its not the Toolset fault but how roles/capabilities works.