The markers you want to cluster, you can add them to the ClusterManager. clusterManager.addItem(yourItem);
The ones you don't want to cluster, you can add them directly to your GoogleMap object. map.addMarker
Inside your MarkerRenderer you can override
protected void onClusterItemRendered(YourClusterItem clusterItem, Marker marker)
and map yourClusterItem to your Marker if needed. Or you can set a tag to your marker indicating it's a clusterItem.
In public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker) you can check your tag (or your map) to have a different behaviour for each kind of marker.
Can you advise how this might be achieved?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Toolset Maps offer the marker cluster feature where once you activate the "Cluster Marker" setting it will ask you for few options as per the following screenshots and once you set that the cluster marker group will work according to the specified settings:
=> hidden link