It is the first time I use Toolset and I'm very grateful for this plugin.
I have one problem that I can't solve for myselft or find any documentation: I'm tryng to add the post terms (slug) in the contentor class of each post in all views loop.
For example, need to edit this loop element:
<div class="wp-block-toolset-views-view-template-block wpv-block-loop-item php-to-be-replaced-with-shortcode">
for this:
<div class="wp-block-toolset-views-view-template-block wpv-block-loop-item php-to-be-replaced-with-shortcode post-category-term-1 post-category-term-2 post-category-term-3 post-category-term-4">
Could also change this <div> element for a <article> or erase it from the loop?
Also, I need to know how to change the class "php-to-be-replaced-with-shortcode", I didn't find any documentation in Toolset.
You are able to add a custom css class here, If you use the black navigation tool on the top left hand side of your screen, you will click on the View Loop.
Then navigate to the advanced tab where you will see a section to add your custom css classes.
Secondly i'm not seeing where you can remove the "php-to-be-replaced-with-shortcode". I've created a ticket with our 2nd tier supporters so that they can gather some information about this class to see what its purpose is.
I will wait for the origin of "php-to-be-replaced-with-shortcode".
But, how can I add dynamically the classes "post-category-term-2 post-category-term-3 post-category-term-4" (the terms slug of each post) in each item inside the loop? Until now, I only konw how do it manually, as you explained.
You won't be able to do this dynamically with the Blocks setup. This is something only possible with the classic editor for views.
If you go to Toolset->Settings and under Editing Experience select the 3rd option.
From there you should see the views item appearing once you refresh the page. Next just go to Toolset -> Views and create your new view.
Now you will need to use the Loop output editor to add the items to this view. Finally you can add the shortcode for the taxonomy inside the generated output.
I got some information from our 2nd tier supporters. So the class "php-to-be-replaced-with-shortcode" is left over from development and is marked for deletion by our development team.
This class essentially serves no purpose at the moment.
Great, Shane. Thanks you so much.
A sugestion ;-): the possibility of replace this class by a shorcode or by php code, I think it will be a good idea hehehe
Thanks again!
Great suport!