Hi I was wondering if there was a way to use Access (or other toolset tool) to create custom status for WordPress posts.
So not a custom Role, but to actually extend the Draft, Pending review, Published status of WordPress posts. I want to add a status called Rejected which will send a notification when a post is changed from Pending to Rejected
The use case. I have a Toolset form set up to create posts. On creation, these posts will be assigned the role Pending review and an email notification will be sent to admin. The admin can either publish the post or reject it. I would like them to reject it by changing the post status from Pending to Rejected. At which stage an email would be sent to the person who created the post explaining why rejected.
So essentially I am asking if this is possible using Toolset and if not can it be custom coded to work with Toolset forms.
Hi Stewart,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
There is no built-in feature available in Toolset plugins to register a new post status, but you can use WordPress' "register_post_status" function for this:
As mentioned in the above link, the newly registered custom post status will not appear in the post/page edit screen interface, however, it will appear in the list of post statuses, available in the Toolset Forms.
You can then create two separate post edit forms for the admin to use, one to change the post status to "Publish" and the other to change it to "Rejected".
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.