I've just been playing around on a local test site with various combinations of Toolset and WPML plugins, registered and unregistered, to try and see the same, but I cannot.
(FYI Views-lite is a free version available to WPML clients that has only recently been released.)
I don't have any debug info for your site to know what plugin versions you have (hidden link), could you provide that?
And is the site registered (for Toolset and/or WPML)?
The site *should* be registered, but everytime there's an update, I have to re-connect as the creds seem to be getting lost. I've held off upgrading as Im afraid of breaking changes on my current post relationships, so Im a bit behind.
The installer software is part of Types and is shared with WPML, and there have been quite a few changes this year which has meant the installer code receiving a lot of updates, some of which didn't work out well and introduced bugs.
So if you have been experiencing problems with your site registration keys etc., that is likely why, but for most users the current version seems to be working correctly.
I'm not sure how your install is picking up the Views lite update (I have installed the same plugin versions as you have installed, and I get the correct update notice for Views 2.6.3), but I will say that there have been updates to the installer in subsequent versions, and there is not much we can do about issues with the installer that is bundled with old versions of Types because, well, you would need to update Types to receive any update to the installer code.
What I can say is that you can update to Types 3 and Views 2.6 and not run the migration wizard to convert your existing relationships. If you don't run the wizard everything should work as before, but you will benefit from updates and bug-fixes generally, including any installer updates.
I suggest you take a backup, update Types and Views to the current versions, and check things still work as expected. If not, let me know what.
I'm a lifetime customer hand have also experienced my sites being de-registered. Not just after each update, either. I also get "Update package not available. ()"
Are lifetime customers no longer supported? I've looked through the forum and don't see other users experiencing the de-registration issues that lifetime license holders consistently experience. It looks like all the lifetime customers who are reporting issues are reporting this exact same issue: their sites are being de-registered. If we need to pay some sort of upgrade fee, just tell us. Random de-registrations and site/app breakages are hard on us.