Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily customize the standard WordPress listing pages using WordPress archives. You can redesign any WordPress archive, including custom post archives, taxonomy archives, author archives and search results.
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Problem: I want to design an Archive layout which will apply to all pages. So on the main Member Profiles archive page, a user can click on one of the taxonomy terms and see the same archive layout for all members who have that taxonomy term selected. And finally, once it is designed, I want to use a shortcode to place the archive view in my pages.
- WordPress automatically generates archives for custom post types and for custom taxonomy terms. You can customize the archive pages using Toolset's WordPress Archives feature.
- A Toolset WordPress Archive can be applied to a custom post type archive, and also to a taxonomy archive. So yes, you can create one WordPress Archive and use it for both.
- You can insert taxonomy term links in each post in the archive using the wpv-post-taxonomy shortcode. In the Loop Editor section, you will have the ability to insert the shortcode in the wpv-loop tags. When a User clicks one of these terms they will be redirected to the corresponding term archive.
- WordPress Archives cannot be inserted with a shortcode, because they are designed to be displayed only on archive pages. Since these are generated automatically by WordPress, no shortcode is provided. If you want to create similar lists of posts and display them on other parts of your site besides the archive pages, you can create filtered Views that return the same results. You can copy the code from the Loop of your WordPress Archive and apply it to the Loop of your filtered View.
How to display posts belongs to specific post type using taxonomy archive page
You should create a view to display the taxonomy terms and attach post type to taxonomy term URL and using pre_get_posts hook you should filter your posts on taxonomy archive as per the selected post type.