Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily display content on your website's front-end in any way you choose.
Views User Guides include detailed documentation for creating lists of content, templates for content and archive page and also explain how to create parametric searches for any content type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 12,331 through 12,345 (of 12,379 total)
If you are going to exclude a specific page "free-resources"(ID 305) from the search result, you can edit the view, In section "Query Filter", add a post ID filter:
Problem: I would like to create a select field that includes all posts. The User can select a post, then click a submit button, and they will be redirected to that post.
Solution: Rather than trying to use a search View or a Toolset Form, create a custom form using standard HTML markup. Use jQuery to modify the "action" attribute of your custom form, based on the value of the selected option:
Problem: I have a custom post type View that includes a custom search Form. The results update with AJAX whenever a filter is changed. The results are inconsistent depending on whether I load the page or apply a filter.
Solution: Make sure the "Don't include current page in query results" checkbox is unchecked in your View's settings.
How to order by the bbPress "freshness" field?
The field is a hidden field, i.e. the key begins with an underscore: _bbp_last_active_time
To be able to use hidden fields in Views you must expose them at Toolset > Settings > Front-end Content, using the first section to choose which hidden fields you want to make available in the Views GUI for filtering etc.
The issue here is that the user wanted to be able to connect his posts to their parents from the view listing the posts.
Unfortunately no you're not able to do this. It is only possible to add post relationships through a post form relationship form.
For your specific case you will need to use some form of custom coding which we are not able to provide as it is out of the scope of our support forum.
What you can do is to contact one of the certified contractors to see if they can assist with this one.