Access plugin lets you control what sections different user roles can reach in the WordPress admin and on the front-end. You can create your own custom roles and choose exactly what administration capabilities they have on the site.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the roles that you want to create and the desired capabilities of these roles.
Viewing 10 topics - 241 through 250 (of 250 total)
The issue here is that the user wanted to setup and automatic parent connection in CRED. This means that when the form is submitted, the parent is automatically assigned. Solution:
Actually this is possible if you were to use the CRED child post link on your Parent page after its created
Take a look at this link below for assistance on how to set this up.
Problem: I would like to use two different roles to limit Access to some posts. If role A is assigned, User can see posts type A. If role B is assigned, User can see posts type B. However if I assign both roles, Access does not allow Users to see both types A and B.
Solution: Access is only designed to support one role per User. In this example, you could use 3 roles to achieve the same effect. Assign only one of the 3 roles to each User:
Role 1: Can Access Type A
Role 2: Can Access Type B
Role 3: Can Access both A and B