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Adding Dynamic Content to Your Homepage en WordPress

You can add dynamic content to your homepage in different ways. For example, you could display important posts in a slider or a grid of featured items. Here, we present one popular way of doing this.


There are many ways to present your site’s homepage. There are also countless ways to use Toolset to query your content and display custom lists of posts on it.

This page provides one convenient design technique. Of course, you can use any approach you prefer.

Steps to add dynamic content to a homepage

Adjust your theme options for the homepage

For a great looking hero section, you should adjust the following theme options for your homepage:

  1. Stretch your page content to the full width of your screen.
  2. Disable the page title.

Divide the homepage into full-width sections

  1. Use a separate Container block for each section.
  2. Click to select the Container block for a given section.
  3. In the right sidebar, expand the Background section to add a color or an image to the whole section.
  4. In the right sidebar, expand the Advanced section and under Block Alignment, select Full Width.

Create a View to display a dynamic list of posts

  1. Edit your homepage and find the section where you want to insert a dynamic list of posts.
  2. Click to insert the View block inside the Container for that page section.
  3. Use the WordPress Block Editor to design your View.
  4. Use Toolset blocks to add dynamic fields to the template.

Your View can display content in different ways which we explain in separate lessons:

Toolset comes with a big collection of blocks to display dynamic sources (custom fields, WordPress fields, and taxonomies). However, you can also display Dynamic Sources using WordPress core blocks and popular block plugins.

Use the following steps to display a Dynamic Source in any supported block:

  1. Insert or select a block.
  2. In the right sidebar, expand the Dynamic Sources section.
  3. Toggle on the option for any of the supported fields in that block.
  4. Use the dropdowns that appear to select the dynamic source you want this block to display for that field.

Display Dynamic Sources inside all text blocks

Toolset allows you to display Dynamic Sources, like custom fields, inside any text blocks like headings, buttons, and more. This includes WordPress core blocks, Toolset blocks, and popular block plugins.

To display any Dynamic Source inline, insert or select a block with a text input and look for the Inline Fields button. Dropdown menus will appear, allowing you to select a Dynamic Source.

For more information, check out the lesson about displaying Inline Fields.

Main Toolset Block Used in this Lesson

Cree listas de entradas personalizadas

mayo 19, 2021