Sometimes, you may want your custom search to not show any initial results.

You can use Toolset to add the following code to your site.

It will prevent results from being displayed until a filter is applied.

Works with custom field filters, taxonomy filters, and text field searches.

Code Snippet
 * User defined values: fill here the IDs of the Views that you want to affect with this snippet.
 * For a single View, use $target_views = array( XXX );
 * For multiple Views, use $target_views = array( XXX, YYY );
 * In this example, we target a View with ID equal to 226.
toolset_snippet_security_check() or die( 'Direct access is not allowed' );
add_filter( 'wpv_filter_query_post_process', 'tssnippet_no_initial_results', 10, 3 );
function tssnippet_no_initial_results( $query_results, $view_settings, $view_id ) {

    $target_views = array( 226 );

    if ( ! in_array( $view_id, $target_views ) ) {
        return $query_results;

    // if there is a search term set
    if ( 
        ! isset( $query_results->query['meta_query'] )
        && ! isset( $query_results->query['tax_query'] )
        && ! isset( $query_results->query['s'] )
    ) {
        $query_results->posts = array();
        $query_results->post_count = 0;
        $query_results->found_posts = 0;

    return $query_results;

To customize the snippet for your own site, change the $target_views variable to an array of View IDs you want to apply this effect to.