Sometimes, you need to add custom code to your Toolset-powered site. Here, we provide an introduction to the basics of custom coding. We also provide a growing list of useful code snippets you might use in the sites you develop with Toolset.

Try a quick example

Let us start with a quick example you can try right away. When handing over a finished site to a client, you might want to hide certain items from the WordPress admin area.

Even if you are not a programmer, Toolset allows you to easily add custom code to your site.

Go to the ToolsetSettings page and click the Custom Code tab. There, click the Add new button, give your snippet a name and paste the following code.

Example - Remove Admin Menu
function tssnippet_remove_menus(){
  remove_menu_page( 'themes.php' );                 //Appearance
  remove_menu_page( 'plugins.php' );                //Plugins
  remove_menu_page( 'tools.php' );                  //Tools
  remove_menu_page( 'options-general.php' );        //Settings
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'tssnippet_remove_menus' );

As you can see, our code removes the Appearance, Plugins, Toolset, and Settings items from the main admin menu.

We need to run this code only on the WordPress backend. To do this, deselect Front-end and AJAX calls options in the Run context section and click the Save and close button.

Making the code snippet run only in the WordPress admin
Making the code snippet run only in the WordPress admin

Finally, click the Activate link below your code snippet’s name.

That’s it! Now, the site’s admin menu will not display admin pages we selected using our custom code.

Useful code snippets for your sites

Below is a list of links to the code snippet examples you can use in your sites. For an introduction to custom coding, check out the section below.

Introduction to custom coding

The collection of snippets is an easy way to extend your site with useful features. However, you might want to learn more about creating your own custom code from scratch.

To help you start learning the basics of custom coding, we created two tutorials based on real-life examples: