Across all our sites, the wysiwyg buttons provided by other plugins have vanished after updating Toolset Types to 3.4.16.
We've confirmed that this update is the cause of the issue as we've incrementally tested across multple websites.
This is despite the update stating the following:
Fixed a problem when WYSIWYG fields were not properly saved on the classic editor.
Fixed a problem when WYSIWYG fields were not properly initialized on the blocks editor.
The update has had to opposite affect by removing functionality that worked just fine.
These buttons are vital for the functionality of our clients websites. Do you know how to fix this so that the buttons appear again?
I just tested this and can confirm the problem. We already have reports of problems adding custom format buttons to tinyMCE editors on Types WYSIWYG fields since the 3.4.16 update, and this appears related.
I hope this can be fixed as our entire suite of client sites depend on this. We've already updated to the latest Toolset version so, for the most part, unless there's a way to downgrade we're stuck until this gets resolved.
I'll continue to monitor the erratum in desperate hopes of a resolution.
We have a test package for the issue that we can try to install and see if it fixes the issue for you.
For that we will need the staging version of your website.
I'd appreciate it if you could give me the URL/User/Pass of your Staging WordPress dashboard after you make sure that you have a backup of your website.
Make sure you set the next reply as private.
Please do not provide the live website info as we need a website to be able to test stuff and that might break the website.
Types 3.4.17 is released that has a fix for the issue that you have.
Would you please make sure you download it from the downloads page and update the Types plugin after you make sure you have a complete backup of the website?