I have a website with Toolset + Woocommerce + WPML.
I created a view that shows "taxonomy terms whose parent is the current taxonomy archive." (product categories child of the current one). The view created in "html/legacy" mode.
The view correctly shows the child product categories for the main language of the site (italian), but in other language (english) I see only one child category instead of three. I dobule checked that the missing categories are translated in english and are child product categories, but I can't see them through the view.
Here you can see the italian language view: hidden link
Here the english view: hidden link , but the missing category is translated in english, as you can see here: hidden link
Similar issue with another category and child category: hidden link hidden link (category missing: hidden link)
Can you double check that the hierarchy of the taxonomy is synchronised (which will ensure that for the translated child terms that they are indeed children of the translated parent term).
I just checked that on a local site and it was required for the set up you have to work.
Hi Nigel, thank you for your answer. The product category taxonomy was already translated, but I found the solutions in another way: in addition to product category translation, I created a product translation in english, even if I set WPML with "show untraslated content if translation is not available".
So in order to work, the view needs at least one product in the child category.