It's a simple fix and he said he expected to be able to push an update with the fix today, although it is getting towards the end of the day, and if it doesn't appear in the next couple of hours then I'm sure you will have it Monday.
The update to WooCommerce Views was released Friday afternoon, and I've just tested it on my copy of your site and it correctly identifies your theme's product archive template which you can now choose in the settings (screenshot).
Sorry to bother again, but it looks like on my end something is right just yet. After updating to the most recent version I don't have the option to change the Product Archive to theme setting. I just have the same options as before. I already cleared caches. What should I do?
Your theme uses a non-standard way of adding custom WC templates (adding them to a directory wc-templates instead of the expected /woocommerce directory) so I had bypassed that problem by copying the custom archive-product.php file to a /woocommerce/ directory in the child theme.
I've done that on your site, and the template now shows in the WooCommerce Views settings.
Thanks that worked. And again, thanks a lot! Would really love full integration with the themes from Upsolution. I already notified them with a feature request. Maybe you guys could get in touch with them as well.