Tell us what you are trying to do? I'm trying to create a single product template for only one product (i.e. no all single products)
I know that I can create a template for all products, but wondered how to just template this one product.
Is there any documentation that you are following? I did gin this article concerning multiple templates per category, but wondered how to call the content template from within a template (or any other suggestions).
If you want a template for one specific product then you can create a new content template by going to Toolset -> Content templates and create it from there.
The next thing is that you shouldn't assign this template to any Post type, rather just click the option "Don't assign to any post type"
Once you've created the content template you can then go to that specific product and assign that content template to that specific product using the content template selector from your post edit screen.
This should be on the right hand side of your edit screen for your Product.
Hi Shane, I do have it installed and activated, but I don't want to choose a template through it as that will affect all products. I just want to re-template one product.
In this instance, I want to template a product selling membership, but leave the rest of the products in the shop untouched.
As such, I"m looking for another method for that product to use a content template independently to all other products.
Thats what I thought. If I create the template manually (single-product-custom.php for instance) and get the one product to use it, can I still add Toolset shortcodes to the template? It's a lot easier to use those than to wade through Woo's myriad of template parts.